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Morris County Women’s Republican Club
Debra Casha, Chair


Morris County Women’s Republican Club


Dear Friends,

2020 is going to be an exciting year for the Morris County Women’s Republican Club thanks to your continued and sincere support for our events and our candidates. We will be changing the name of the Club to (dba) Morris County Federated Republican Women as approved by a vote of our membership. We believe this change more accurately reflects the importance and the impact our Women continue to have in our local and national discourse. This change also aligns our mission more closely with our
National Federation of Republican Women. More on this to come in the future.

Our Board of Directors is once again pleased to present you with our 2020 Program of events. The ever popular annual events including the Spring Brunch, Election Training, Candidates Night and the Wine &
Cheese ceremony will return with several newer events including the Annual Masquerade Ball, Derby Day and opportunities to hone your skills at RTSP. There will also be greater opportunities announced to participate in wider State events with the NJFRW. Please be sure we have your current contact
information as well as follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for the latest information.

A new membership package will be going out in January that will keep you up to date on all things related to our Organization. Please note that you may go on-line now to renew your membership for 2020. You will note that there is a slight increase in dues. This is related to increases in charges to our
organization from NJFRW mainly related to inflationary costs. We appreciate your patronage and assure you that your dues are used wisely to support our terrific Women in Morris County pursuing political office. Please contact us at You can also visit our website

Warmest regards,

​Phyllis Florek,
President, Morris County Women’s Republican Club dba MCFRW


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