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Atlantic County Federated Republican Women
Linda Camerota, Chair

PO Box 922

Brigantine, NJ 08203

text/call 609-412-7020

Click Here for Membership Application


Atlantic County Federated Republican Women

The Atlantic County Federated Republican Women is a dynamic group of supportive women, whose mission is to encourage each other and other women to become more politically engaged as operatives in the Republican Party.  


We provide a variety of opportunities to keep women informed including networking opportunities with the candidates and representatives as well as informative presentations to keep members informed of current political issues.


Women represent over half our population and 52% of our electoral, yet are underrepresented in government, especially in Atlantic County. Our Federation aims to change this by helping to support and educate qualified women to run for office.  


Former Governor Christie Whitman once stated, “I firmly believe that government can best serve the interests of its citizens when they are fully represented.  The more diversity in the process, the more likely the process will work. Women bring a very different perspective to issues because our life experiences are different, along with our priorities.  By expanding the pool of talent, we are able to draw upon more of those experiences to make good policy.” 


There’s a seat for you at our political table.  Please join us!  Like us on Facebook, so you can receive updates on our special events.


Linda Camerota

26 S. Bayard Ave
Woodbury, NJ 08096


©  2025 Paid for by the

 New Jersey Federation   of Republican Women


26 S Bayard Ave

Woodbury, NJ 08096

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